Calendar - Modern Seniors' Club 2020-21

  • Calendar - Modern Seniors\' Club 2020-21
  • Calendar - Modern Seniors\' Club 2020-21
  • Calendar - Modern Seniors\' Club 2020-21
  • Calendar - Modern Seniors\' Club 2020-21

The calendar for the Modern Seniors Club:

February and March 2021:

The Club attended a lecture (via zoom) on art by Marcel Andino Velez, an art workshop led by Dorota Podlaska and had a discussion with Adrian Krupa regarding "Hermeneutic Philosophy and Art”.
In February we started a very interesting cycle of regular meetings called "Artystki i Artyści Bliscy i Znajomi" - every two weeks the author of the project, Aldona Doliszna, talks with artists from the club and guests from the outside;
In March members participated in the first meeting with Marta Skowronska-Markiewicz, who in her series titled "BLIŻEJ PUBLICZNOŚCI_ fakty, anegdoty, plany, wyzwania" introduced seniors to plans for the club in the new building - that is currently under construction.
also in March, the club began a long-term cooperation with Teatr Powszechny, and willing members took part in an online workshop on how to take a good photo or video with a smartphone, led by "Latająca Animatorka Kultury", Alicja Szulc, from the Society of Creative Initiatives "ę";
despite pandemic restrictions, we managed to meet together and see exhibitions at the National Museum, Zachęta and CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, and took a walk around "Wola 2.0" with a renowned PTTK guide, Hanka Warszawianka;
The Club exchanged daily art thoughts and materials on the FB group, including impressions from individual gallery visits or articles.

December 2020 and January 2021:

The club attended lectures on art by Marcel Andino Velez and art workshops led by Dorota Podlaska, participated in Facebook activities: members have shared their painting and photography work as well as their lecture notes.
Additionally, the club exchanged cultural recommendations - seniors posted films found online, including feature and documentary, about artists, trends in art, exhibitions;
And took three socially distanced sentimental walks: around the center of Warsaw, Żoliborz and Łazienki Park.

November 2020:

The club has entered the online sphere - lectures on art by Marcel Andino Velez and art workshops led by Dorota Podlaska where posted to the Facebook group.
Members participated in a zoom seminar on Philosophy and Art, led by Adrian Krupa. Additionally, we initiated Monday Morning Coffee meetings on Google Meet;
The club has followed the “Adres Prywatny” project - Cezary Wierzbicki visited studios of young artists and shared his photos and feelings.
In November the club also received a Logo.

October 2020

We created a private Facebook group called Modern Seniors, where animators; Jolanta and Adrian, as well as members posted photos and videos of shared activities, information about interesting events;
Seniors visited the construction site of the Museum's new building, investment director Mikołaj Mundzik explained in detail how the building is being composed.                      We started IT training for members who needed to improve their computer skills - the training was conducted by Adrian, who studied computer science in high school;                            The club met at the WWB 12 “Coś Wspólnego" exhibition at the Museum. Natalia Sielewicz, the curator, has toured the exhibition with members as part of the “Adults Only” Thursday night initiative.                                                                                       The club’s name was changed in order to become more inclusive for both male and female seniors.